The weekend of February 13th our diocese will celebrate the feast of Blessed Absalom Jones. The Rev. Absalom Jones was born into slavery and became the first black priest ordained in The Episcopal Church – ordained right here in our diocese. This bold and...
Please click the image to open Pastor Nancy’s Sunday worship...
To view today’s service click the “Related Videos” above and select today’s service. If you would like to follow along with the liturgy of the Sunday service, you can click the bulletin image above to open the bulletin. Trinity is...
Trinity’s Contemplative Christmas Day Service featuring Scripture readings, Carols and quiet reflections will be available here on Trinity’s website and on Facebook beginning on December 25. HOW TO VIEW THE SERVICE: To view Trinity’s Christmas Day...
Trinity’s Christmas Eve Fill-The-Creche Service is a much-loved service for children of all ages. Because of Covid, we have not been able to have the service in the Church sanctuary. But here is a video all ready to go so we can all gather around and watch...
Trinity’s well-loved Fill the Creche Service (featuring Francis McLean) will be available on Facebook and by clicking the post on the website beginning on December 24. Be sure to have your own creche available so you can fill it at home as we read the story and...