We gather for meditation and Centering Prayer every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 to 8:30 a.m. in Historic Trinity Church. All are welcome. You need not be a member of Trinity Buckingham or of the Christian faith to attend and participate. Experience...
Trinity’s Great Vigil of Easter service will be held in-person on Saturday, April 16th at 7 pm. We will not be able to live-stream the service because it is being held outside. To open the service leaflet to the Great Vigil service, please click on the image above...
Trinity’s Good Friday service will be held on Friday, March 29th at noon. Please click the image above to open the service leaflet. The service will be in-person, streamed on Trinity’s website, and streamed on Facebook Live. Please join...
On Thursday, April 14th at 7 pm, Trinity’s Maundy Thursday service will be held both in-person and live-streamed here on Trinity’s website and on Trinity’s Facebook page. Please click the image above to open the service leaflet. Please join...
Services at Trinity will be live-streamed on Trinity’s website and can also be viewed via Trinity’s Facebook Live by clicking here.
Palm Sunday is this Sunday— please join us! To open the service leaflet, please click the image above. Welcome! Trinity’s morning worship on all days except the first Sunday of the month can always be viewed here at 10:30 a.m. through Trinity’s live stream on...
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