Join us on Facebook on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for this calming, full-of-Presence time of prayer and meditation — a quiet prayer, a short reading of scripture, then 20 minutes of holy silence, and a closing prayer. Simply click this link or log in to...
Trinity’s Sunday service times and content will be offered online due to COVID-19 gathering restrictions. Details for each upcoming week will be posted on Trinity’s homepage. You may also follow Trinity for updates on Trinity’s Facebook page at...
Dear People of God, We have entered a wilderness most of us could not have imagined when we set out on our Lenten journey back in February. Who could have imagined not being together for Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter? Who could have envisioned sheltering...
“This little booklet is designed to encourage you to celebrate Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter Sunday — the holiest week of the Christian year — in your home as a family. You are invited to use the bits that work for you, and tailor them to your needs and...
Hosanna in the highest, and peace to the people of this Earth! Trinity’s Palm Sunday Facebook Service includes the Liturgy of the Palms and a reading of the Passion. Simply click this link or log in to Trinity’s Facebook page at...
“… How is it that glad Hosannas turned into angry cries? …. They didn’t’ get someone who came in the name and power of God to rescue them. They got someone who came in the name of the power of God to be WITH them. I’m struck today with how similar this...
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