Please click the image above to open the Rev. Dilliplane’s gospel reflection of Jesus’ twelve disciples on this the Second Sunday after Pentecost.
“With the companionship of the Holy Spirit, let us give space for our grief, let us give space for our pain, let us give space for healing, let us give space for peace. Amen.” Deacon Matthew Simpson reflects on his experience as a nurse in this pandemic...
Pajama Vespers are warm & happy early evening gatherings that include a family activity, a story, a song, and candlelight prayers. (During the current Covid-19 pandemic, Paster Nancy is creating Pajama Vespers videos for children and their loved ones)....
Welcome! Until the coronavirus social distancing restrictions have been eased, Trinity’s Sunday services will be offered online every Sunday morning at 9am on the homepage of Trinity’s website and on Trinity’s Facebook page. You may reach Trinity’s...
Here is something new and wonderful — In her sermon during Trinity’s Sunday worship service this week, the Rev. Nancy Dilliplane introduced us to the practice of Visio Divina, the thoughtful contemplation of a painting, a photo, a work of art, or really...
Welcome! Trinity will be live-streaming this Sunday’s worship service on our Facebook page. You can download the service leaflet by clicking here or by clicking the image above. You can reach Trinity’s Facebook page by clicking here or by going to...