Trinity Buckingham is celebrating the season of Summer with conversations, movies, book studies, and forums throughout July and August. Please click this printed menu to enlarge the image and see all the dates and times in one place. You can also...
Sunday, May 14th, 2023 was a special day for Trinity Buckingham, honoring confirmands and their families and being visited by our Bishop Daniel G. P. Gutiérrez. Please clink this link to open our YouTube recording of this love-filled event! ...
Trinity’s Tuesday Morning Fizz Bible Study is a year-round gathering of people who meet Tuesdays from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. to reflect on past Sunday and upcoming Sunday scripture in the context of current events and life issues. Since Covid restrictions began,...
Trinity Sunday School is about lessons, community service projects, and socialization! Sunday School will resume on Sunday, September 18th 🙂 image credit on homepage: Smyrna Baptist Church
Worship on Sunday March 27 (8 am and 10:30 am) and April 3 (9:30 am — First Sunday gathering) will take place in Faith Hall, as Trinity recently suffered from a water leak under the steps to the chancel area of the main sanctuary. Services will be...
Please join us for Trinity’s much-loved Children of All Ages service! With the advent of cold weather, it is unlikely we will want to meet outside as we have in the past, so I am asking that you make a reservation for in-person worship by Thursday afternoon....
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