Welcome! Please click the image above to open this week’s Sunday Worship service leaflet. Sunday Worship services are held in person in the Trinity Buckingham sanctuary every Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. and 10 a.m. Trinity’s 10 a.m....
Whether you are an active member of Trinity, an occasional visitor, or a devoted friend from our online spiritual community, your generosity makes it possible for the parish of Trinity Buckingham Episcopal Church to answer our divine call to nurture the world and one...
Trinity Buckingham is celebrating the season of Summer with conversations, movies, book studies, and forums throughout July and August. Please click this printed menu to enlarge the image and see all the dates and times in one place. You can also...
Welcome! Please click the image above to open this week’s Palm Sunday worship service leaflet. Trinity’s Sunday morning worship can always be viewed through Trinity’s live stream on the website’s homepage and through Facebook Live on...
Welcome! Thanks so much for visiting our website and staying long enough to click this post. When I was invited to come to Buckingham, Pennsylvania to share ministry with Trinity Episcopal Church as their rector, I asked the question you may be asking right now: Who...