Please click the bulletin image ^^^ to open the service leaflet for the Election Day Prayer Vigil. Trinity’s Election Night Prayer Vigil can be viewed here on the homepage of Trinity’s website, as the service will be live-streamed from Trinity’s...
In the midst of a pandemic, racial reckoning, and a historic election, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry led a live-streamed prayer service from Washington National Cathedral — Holding on to Hope: A National Service for Healing and Wholeness, on All...
+ We are remembering and holding close to our hearts all those who have come before us. Amen. +
We invite you to pray with us for frontline caregivers. The 2020 coronavirus pandemic has brought into stark relief the courageous, ongoing, and whole-self sacrifice of frontline caregivers, those who care for the sick and their families in hospitals and...
We invite you to offer your own prayers throughout this week, as we offer these prayers below (from The Book of Common Prayer) for you to consider if you feel drawn to them. (Please scroll down and take a look at the depth and breadth of these heart-fulfilling...
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