Remember Mary’s visit to Elizabeth? Trinity has four amazing Elizabeth (and Elisabeth!) parishioners, and each will celebrate the Advent season with us by offering their music, prayer and personal sharing to inspire us on our Advent faith journey. Please...
Remember Mary’s visit to Elizabeth? Trinity has four amazing Elizabeth (and Elisabeth!) parishioners, and each will celebrate the Advent season with us by offering their music, prayer and personal sharing to inspire us on our Advent faith journey....
Please click the image above to open this week’s Pajama Vespers video with a Godly Play story The First Sunday of Advent. (To access previous Pajama Vespers videos, click here to access our archives). Because we aren’t able to gather together...
Welcome! During this time of coronavirus restrictions, Trinity will be offering socially-distanced in-person Sunday worship at 10 AM for the Children of All Ages Worship Service in Faith Hall, in addition to Trinity’s 9 AM Traditional Sunday Worship in the...
We invite you to pray with us for frontline caregivers. The liturgy is printed in this post so you can follow along and participate. See the dates above and click here to link to Trinity’s Facebook page to follow along LIVE with Deacon Matthew. The...
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